The Rise of Sustainable Fashion: Eco-Friendly Trends to Watch

The Rise of Sustainable Fashion: Eco-Friendly Trends to Watch

As the world rapidly changes, so are our habits. From what we wear to what we consume, the way we approach fashion is having a growing impact on the environment. If you’re feeling lost, don’t fret—the rise of sustainable fashion is re-focusing the discussion to a mindful approach to shopping and wearing clothing that’s eco-friendly. Looking for new trends to watch? Then follow along as we discuss the rise of sustainable fashion and the eco-friendly trends that are worth watching.

1. Exploring the Growth of Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion has been gaining immense popularity in recent years, with celebrities setting an example to follow. From chic beach bags made from recycled plastic to repurposed vintage wear, we have come a long way from the days of fast-fashion and disposable clothing. Here are some of the ways in which sustainably produced fashion is making a difference:

  • Environmental impact: Sustainable fashion aims to reduce the amount of resources needed to make clothing, while also focusing on reducing carbon emissions from manufacturing processes. As a result, sustainability brands often use biodegradable materials or resources that can be easily recycled, instead of synthetic materials.
  • Social impact: Many sustainable brands support ethical labour practices and fair trade. This helps to give back to the communities from which the materials are sourced and ensures that the workers are treated fairly and paid a living wage.
  • Personal choice: As a consumer, choosing to support sustainable brands sends a message to the fashion industry about what kind of practices you want. It can also help to raise awareness of the issues affecting the fashion industry, and help to shape the future of fashion in a more positive direction.

From a business perspective, sustainable fashion has been proven to be cost -effective and to boost long-term profitability, as well as providing a range of benefits such as reducing the need for waste disposal or for investing in new technology. Ultimately, sustainable fashion is about choosing to make responsible and conscious decisions when it comes to our clothes.

Sustainability in the fashion industry is growing rapidly, with more and more companies investing in ethical and sustainable ways of producing clothes. This trend is set to continue, as we begin to understand the importance of investing in sustainable fashion and the numerous benefits it brings.

2. The Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion has unfortunately become a contributor to the larger environmental problem that the world is facing today. It is estimated that the industry produces an excessive amount of nearly 150 billion pieces of clothing each year, and this volume has drastic impacts on the environment.

1. Waste and Toxic Pollutants
The sheer number of items created and burned in the fashion industry leads to significant amounts of pollution and waste. For example, items that are not sold increase the overall textile waste, which is the equivalent of one garbage truck filled with clothes dumped every second. This waste gets mixed with the environment, often washing into the water supply and contaminating water supplies and also releasing toxins into the air as it gets burned. As a result, the environment is often polluted in many areas around the world.

2. Water Consumption and Contamination
Fast fashion also has a large impact on how much water is used in the production of clothing. It is estimated that, on average, 2,700 liters of water is used to create a single piece of clothing. Additionally, this water is often contaminated with harmful chemicals, such as bleach, heavy metals, and dyes, that eventually make their way into rivers and streams. This means that the communities that rely on these water sources are exposed to potentially toxic substances, leading to health problems.

3. Resource Depletion and Deforestation
The production of clothing materials also relies on resources from the environment, which can often lead to deforestation. Cotton, for example, is a highly sought after material used for apparel, but cultivating this crop requires large amounts of land. As such, there is often an increase in the amount of forests that are logged for the purpose of cultivating cotton or other production-intensive materials.

4. Carbon Footprint
The manufacturing of clothing release large amounts of carbon emissions, as producing textiles requires a great deal of energy. In addition, transporting these items to their various destinations also contributes to the release of carbon into the air. All of these factors increase the industry’s overall carbon footprint, which has a negative effect on the environment.

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is an important part of caring for the environment. Reducing our environmental impact is key to preserving our planet for the future generations. There are plenty of big and small ways to implement eco-friendly habits and lifestyle changes. Here are just a few easy trends to adopt now to help reduce the environmental impact of our day-to-day lives:

  • Bring reusable bags when you shop: Instead of collecting plastic bags when you go grocery shopping, get into the habit of bringing along reusable ones that can last a long time when used often. Not only will this reduce the amount of plastic waste getting created, but you could even save some money on the bags!
  • Increase energy efficiency: Unplug electronics when not in use to reduce your electricity bills, turn off the lights when leaving a room, and air dry clothes to save on using the dryer. All of these are easy to do and can quickly add up in energy savings.
  • Shop locally: Shopping locally not only supports small businesses, but helps reduce emissions associated with the long-distance transportation of goods. Whenever possible, try to buy from local shops and markets to reduce transportation and energy costs.

Taking on even just one or two of these habits can result in a significant improvement to your environmental impact. From learning small tricks like air-drying your clothes or getting into the habit of recycling, there are plenty of to help protect the environment for future generations.

4. Embarking on a Greener Wardrobe Revolution

We’re living in a time when the world is becoming more aware of the risks posed by non-sustainable fashion. More and more people are becoming concerned about the waste created by the mass production of cheap clothing, as well as the exploitation of workers in the textiles industry. It’s time to embark on a green wardrobe revolution.

You can contribute to this revolution by consciously choosing clothes that are eco-friendly and made from sustainable materials. Consider these key points when shopping:

  • Look for labels such as “made with organic cotton”, “fair trade certified”, or “made of recycled materials”
  • Shop from small, local brands that you trust and engage with
  • Look for labels like “OEKO-TEX Certified”, that test and certify that the product was manufactured using processes that respect the environment

Repair and reuse

The main goal is to reduce the amount of clothing that’s produced and increase the lifespan of the fabrics that do get made. To make your clothing last longer, repair any fraying threads or torn seams, if you can. You can also borrow clothes from your friends instead of buying new ones for every occasion.

Second-hand clothes

Clothes sold by thrift stores, charity shops, or vintage stores are a great option for environmentally-friendly dresses and accessories. Using second-hand clothes reduces the amount of waste generated and helps reduce the demand for toxic dyes and chemicals in the environment. Plus, you get unique garments that can’t be found anywhere else!

If the so-called ‘fashion revolution’ continues to grow, then sustainability in fashion will be more than just a trend, but instead become the norm. Not only will it benefit the environment, but it will also make for a more ethical and compassionate fashion industry. With a plethora of eco-friendly options available, now is the time to make the switch to sustainable fashion.


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